Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong - The Worst of the Worst

Like it or not, plastic surgery is not going away. Some people take it further than other, and some simply take their plastic surgery way too far. There's plenty of examples of plastic surgery gone wrong, and usually the recipe is simple: too much plastic!
We've comprised a list of the very worst plastic surgery gone wrong pictures.
Take this as a warning - too much plastic surgery can go very wrong!!

There many ways to mess up your plastic surgery, so we've tried to gather these plastic surgeries gone wrong in a few categories.

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong - The Duckface

It's virtually impossible to have a plastic surgery gone wrong list without showing the most classic of them all - the duckface:
Oh yeah, the world champion of duck face!

Bad Plastic Surgery - Duck Face
A perfect duck face runners-up

Plastic Surgery - Duck Face
The sad thing is she was probably pretty before the plastic surgery went wrong

Awful Plastic Surgery - Duck Face
Such hot huge lips

Awful Plastic Surgery - Duck Face 3
Oh yes, selfie-proof plastic surgery!

Awful Plastic Surgery - Duck Face 4
Constant duck face, without even trying

Bad Plastic Surgery - Duck Face 3
What to do when plastic surgery goes wrong? Add strong makeup to make it even more evident!

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong - The Dudes!

It's not only women who take their vanity too far. Here's a list of the worst plastic surgery gone bad on men:
Worst Nose Job Ever
Sick nose job, dude!

Mickey Rourke plastic surgery
Mickey Rourke - the king of plastic surgery!

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong - Men
Sorry, Steve Erhardt is the king of plastic surgery!

Carrot Top Plastic Surgery
Carrot Top has done his fair share too

Men's Plastic Surgery Gone Bad
Oh yes, guys, that looks completely natural!

Plastic Surgery Gone Wrongs - Breasts

Without doubt one of the prime problem areas in bad plastic surgeries: breasts!
Worst boob job ever
"Do you think 2kg in each is a good size for me?" - "Perfect!"

Plastic Surgery - The biggest boobs
The worst is how pretty her face is!

Plastic Surgery - The largest breasts
She can't drive a car, but she looks hot..........

Plastic Surgery - huge boobs
So practical, she can rest a bowl of cereals on those things!

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  4. The 2 guys, before the big boobs. They are brother and have the same desease that make them look like that this is not surgery lol


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